Samhain is a major sabbat of the wheel of the year. It is the festival that marks the start of the Wiccan year. It is celebrated on October 31st.
Samhain is thought of as the most powerful night of the year for casting spells. It is the time of year when the link between the world of the dead and the world of the living is at its thinnest.
It is a good time of year for divination, such as using tarot cards, runes and scrying.
Below is a simple ritual written to be performed by a solo practitioner.
What you need:
- Your altar, a table, or a quiet place where you can work
- Photographs of deceased loved ones or family heirlooms
- Candles- One to represent each person you are remembering
A Samhain Ancestor Ritual
Start this ritual at dusk on October 31st.
Display your family heirlooms or photographs on your Samhain altar or table.
Take a candle and light one, thinking about a loved one who is now deceased. Look at a picture or a family heirloom of them as you do so.
As you light a candle in someone’s memory, talk to them. Say their names and give them your best wishes. Tell them your favourite memory that you had with them, a funny anecdote about your time together, or what you wish you said to them. Thank them for being part of your life, and tell them what they mean to you.
Spend some time in quiet reflection.
After you have spent time reflecting on these people, go and have a feast with your family and friends. Celebrate the people in your life over food and drink.
Before you go to bed, take a plate of food leftover from the feast, and place on your altar as a gift to those who are now departed.

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