A Spell for Removing Anger

spell to ease angerThis is a quick and simple mantra which can be recited without setting up a proper ritual. It can be used for yourself or for other people.

You are advised to add a very simple gesture to this spell – take a stone, and envision the anger you want to remove flowing into this stone. Feel the energy of the anger pulsate through you and into the stone.  When you feel that you have transferred the anger into the stone, throw it away – preferably into a body of water where it can be cleansed, such as a stream, a river or lake.

Then say the following incantation to remove your anger:

Great Guardians of the West
Who watch over the sea and the ocean,
Let this anger disperse through space and time,
Make it disappear forever
So mote it be.

For a spell to cleanse yourself of negative energies, see also our Purification Bath Kit, which comes with ritually charged ingredients for two bath rituals.

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