An Introduction to Wicca, Witchcraft and Magic

What is Wicca?

Wicca is a modern religion that is based on pagan practices and principles which have been passed down for centuries, originating in pre-Christian Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales. The word Wicca is originally an Old English word, meaning “wise one”. Those who followed the path of witchcraft in the old days were in tune with the forces of nature, and were often seen as respected healers and advisers, because they understood how to work with natural energies in order to affect everyday reality.

Modern-day Wicca is not a dogmatic religion, and there are no long lists of rules to follow, save one: ‘An it harm none, do what ye will.  Wiccans honour and respect this Earth and all its inhabitants, and we treat every plant, animal and human as an aspect of the Divine. When we perform witchcraft, we do so with the utmost respect, and with the intention to harm none. To learn more about Wicca, visit this article explaining Wiccan beliefs.

wicca witchcraft magick

What are magic spells?

A magic spell is a ritual which is performed in order to bring a desired change in our lives. A spell can involve incantations, visualisations, herbs, candles, amulets, talismans, and many other objects or actions. Magic spells are a way to communicate with and influence the spiritual energy that exists all around us. This same spiritual energy is the blueprint for the physical world that we live in, and when we affect the spiritual, we will soon see changes in the physical.

It is important to note that not all Wiccans practice magic, and not all who practice magic are Wiccan – there are many magic traditions all over the world. You can use the magic spells on this website even if you don’t consider yourself a Wiccan, although most of the spells are centered around Wiccan and pagan beliefs and symbolism.

How do magic spells work?

Magic works by concentrating and channelling your own spiritual energy, which then has the effect of moving larger energy currents in the area where you wish to see a change. Anyone can perform magic – it’s just a matter of awakening your innate magical abilities and practising them in order to increase your skills. Focusing your mind on an intention, sensing and working with energy, and communicating clearly with your Higher Self are the main skills that you need in order to practice successful witchcraft. If you would like details on how to develop these magic skills and abilities, “The Essence of Magick” is a guide by Amaris Silver Moon which will teach you how to cast spells that work.

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Does your magick need a boost?

It can be frustrating as hell when your magick isn’t giving you the results you want! But here’s the thing: everyone can do magick – you just need the right guide.Your Astro-Magick Blueprint uses your birth chart to:

  • Find your unique magickal style.
  • Take a deep dive into a focus area to find out what’s blocking you.
  • Learn what’s in store for the future and how you can shift things round.
  • PLUS, you’ll receive three custom spells, uniquely designed for you and your situation.
This isn’t just a generic astrological reading - it’s a custom-crafted magickal guide to help you work your magick to its fullest power!

Interested in how it works? Learn more now!

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