How to Become a Witch

So you have found Wicca, or witchcraft, and it speaks to you. You want to learn more about becoming a Witch, meet kindred spirits, gather some tools perhaps, and try casting your first spell. Where do you begin?

how do i become a witch?


The first step in becoming a practising Witch is to read, read, read! Here is a recommended book list. (I usually recommend “Buckland” to newcomers, as it contains a lot of rituals, and basic how-to-do-it info).  I also highly recommend my book, The Essence of Magick, for all beginners as it explains how magick works and gives you a deep understanding of energy and witchcraft.

Meditation and Training the Mind

I also recommend that you meditate if you are serious about becoming a real Witch.  Meditation is a way to step away from your running mind for a moment, and in that silence being able to go deeper into your soul.  When casting spells, it’s important that our minds are trained and focused, so that we cast the spells properly and direct the energy in the right way.  Daily or regular meditation will help you a long way in achieving this kind of focus that you need to become a Witch.

In meditation you can also access higher truths, your spirit guides, and your Higher Self – when you are in a meditative state, simply ask to connect with your Higher Self and ask him/her any questions you like.  Answers will usually come through your intuition or some sensory experience.

witch intuition meditation

Know that you make the rules, and you forge your own spiritual path.  The only one rule that all Wiccans abide by is that of Harm None, as stated in the Wiccan Rede.  Other than that, you pick up what you find along the way which you feel suits you and your beliefs and incorporate that into your practice.  Stay curious – never stop growing and seeking; and most of all, enjoy yourself on this journey to becoming a Witch!

Witch tools, spells, rituals

Next step to becoming a witch is to start gathering some Witch tools.  These don’t have to be fancy or expensive – my first kit was very much DIY, collected in second-hand shops or clumsily crafted from various items I came across for a few pennies.  Making your own tools will help you connect with them, and there will automatically be a strong bond.  There are also plenty of beautiful tools available to buy if you can afford it – search on Etsy, for example, where artists sell beautiful handmade items.  See also our comprehensive guide to magickal tools!

altar tools
Etsy has a wide range of Witch’s altar tools

You probably want to create a space for your magick work, where you can meditate, collect your tools and other goodies, perform rituals and cast spells.  You can build an altar (anything from a table to a box turned upside-down), or just a corner in your house where you can be undisturbed.  Check out our list of ideas on how to decorate your altar.

How can you contact Witches in your area?

Some of us prefer to go solitary, and some rather practice in a coven (a group of witches who meet up to perform rituals, celebrate Sabbats or cast spells together).   It’s up to you what you feel would be right for you.

coven wicca

If you do decide to join a coven, make sure it is one you feel comfortable with, and one whose practices you agree with.  Check out your local Wicca/New Age shop (if you have one) for both books and tools; they also sometimes have some sort of bulletin board, posting events for like-minded people.  They also sometimes offer classes and courses – also see if you have a local meditation centre.  Another way is to go to open festivals in your area – spiritual fairs, renaissance fairs, and the like.

There are also plenty of Witch Meetup groups (worldwide but heavily focused on the States). Meetup is a great website – just type in one of your interests or favourite activities to find all the meetup groups near you.

Going Deeper

We have a treasure trove of information about Wicca, witchcraft and magick on this website. Here are some places you may want to begin:

Wicca, Paganism and Witchcraft

Magickal Skills for Beginners

The Ethics of Magick

Types of Magick

Some Popular Spells

We have many more spells in our spell section, so be sure to check that out!

We also have a free download that teaches you how to trouble-shoot your spells, for those times when your magick isn’t working as well as you like.

Good luck on your journey to becoming a Witch, and – most importantly – enjoy, and stay true to yourself.

Blessed Be


Amaris Silver Moon


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