Mastering Magick

4 Unique and Easy Circle Casting Methods for Beginners

If you have ever looked up a magick spell online you likely know that it’s recommended to cast a magick ...
how to cast a circle of protection

How to Cast a Circle of Protection

Casting a circle of protection is a way for Wiccans, witches, and other practitioners of magick to protect themselves during ...
candles on a wiccan altar

10 Essential Supplies to Set up Your Wiccan Altar

Designing your own Wiccan altar, along with assembling a list of supplies for it, is fun! You’re essentially creating your ...
making rose water

The Spiritual and Magickal Uses of Rose Water

Rose, the beautiful enchantress, adds a dash of feminine mystique to any magick. This healer plant is a symbol of ...
Karma in magick

How does Karma work in Magick?

You may have some idea of karma already. It is often seen as a kind of a force that decides ...
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