A Spell for Good Grades at School

Obtaining good grades at school can be difficult, as no matter how hard you study, there are always factors beyond one’s control that can ruin academic performance. Classmates being bullies, unreasonable teachers, stress in other areas of life and minor health events (shouldn’t have eaten so many lollies after all!) can all add up quickly, distracting a student from the main goal of studying.

Fortunately, there is a great spell that helps temporarily put those worries aside to help get good grades at school!

An important thing to remember though is that this spell won’t help if no studying is done. In fact, it can make matters worse, as the Universe can get furious when someone tries to take advantage of it without putting in the work. However, the spell is exceptionally effective for those who have been studying and taking sufficient time and effort to learn. In this case, it boosts focus, concentration and good luck!

spell to succeed in exams

To cast this spell for good grades, you will need:

  • A new pen with black ink (gel is best)
  • One of your study notebooks, preferably for the corresponding subjects you want to improve grades for

How to Cast the spell:

30 minutes before dawn (you can check when it happens in your time zone either online or on your smartphone), sit on the floor with your legs crossed comfortably. Keep the notebook and the pen handy.

Close your eyes and meditate for 5-10 minutes, focusing on your breathing. You can set a timer for that to allow yourself to completely zone out and let your mind wander during the meditation time.

At the end of the meditation session, bring your attention back to the subject(s) you’re struggling with. Visualize yourself getting good grades, and say the following three times:

I have worked hard, I know the way

Good grades will come, and they will stay

Draw a pentagram (however small and discrete) in your study notebook and repeat the meditation session.

Hope this spell helps, and best of luck with your studies!

witchy pentacle line

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