Protection Spell Against Negative People and Psychic Vampires

protection spell against negative peopleThis is a white magick spell which will help protect you against negative people. It will protect you from all negative actions against you: jealousy, gossip, verbal attacks, and even sorcery. Most importantly, it will protect you against psychic vampires who can literally suck the life-energy out of you.

For this spell against negative people, you will need:

Casting the Spell Against Negative People and Psychic Vampires

Purify yourself by washing your hands in a bowl of water that contains a drop of your essential oil.

Prepare the circle by placing the blue candles on each cardinal point, and the white candle in front of you. Put the incense to the left of the white candle, and the acacia leaves and the tourmaline stones to the right of the candle. Place your photo in front of the candle.

Cast the circle, and light all the candles and the incense.  Take your photo and pass it over the incense three times, and as you do so, imagine the incense purifying this representation of you, clearing away all negativity which has been sent your way by these negative people and psychic vampires.

Take the acacia leaves and the black tourmaline in your hands, and recite the following incantation five times:

“I invoke thee, Aradia, goddess of protection and healing,
Protect me and keep me safe,
Now and forever,
Thank you.”

See a circle of white light forming around you, which psychic vampires and negative people cannot penetrate.

Extinguish the candle and close the circle, but let the incense burn until the end.

We also have spell kits that come with complete ingredients and step-by-step instructions. To banish negative energies and people from your life, see our Banishing Spell Kit. You can also use a Purification Bath to cleanse your aura of negative energies and attachments, and use the Protection Bath to keep you protected once cleansed.

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8 thoughts on “Protection Spell Against Negative People and Psychic Vampires”

  1. Lewis Windell Chesser ll

    The new face of wicca! LWCll, I’ve had enough of being held back by stupid people who judge and speak bad. I see nature and all things naturally happen if you ask but it works both ways. Show me how to surround myself with that shield of power. Teach me because I do know that letting go of all worldly trinkets and thoughtz it is truly freedom. I know this in the eye of me.

  2. Wow this wàs amazing! I literally felt a release and my mind was set free! I literally fell backwards as if bein let go!

    Thank you!

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