Wiccan Spell for Rekindling a Lost Friendship

Wicca friendship spell
Image by Sascalia on Etsy

If you have a friend that you have lost touch with, then this is the right spell for you – note that this is not a spell for rekindling lost romance, but platonic friendship. It will help you rebuild your relationship with your lost friend, wherever they are.

What you need:

  • 5 red rose petals
  • 5 white rose petals
  • Sea salt
  • A paper and pen

Spell for Lost Friendship

Write your full name and your friend’s full name on the paper. Put the salt and rose petals on top of it.

Take a deep breath, and think of a pleasurable memory the two of you shared. Hold this memory in your mind, alive and full, and point your index finger to the paper as you breathe out.  Feel the joyful energy of the memory spilling onto the paper through your finger.

Repeat the following incantation:

“I call upon thee, O Dominio, angel of friendship,
I ask you humbly to let us meet again
Guide (friend’s name) back to me
Rekindle our friendship
For the highest good
So mote it be.”

Fold the paper several times and bury it at the foot of an old tree.

For another spell which can help you release all negativity from the past and start afresh, see this new beginnings spell kit, which comes with all the ingredients you need for the spell!

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