Here’s a “cheat sheet” to easily find out which crystals should be used when in magickal operations:
Agate | Strengthens and tones body,mind and spirit. Gives a sense of strength and courage |
Alexandrite | Soothes the nervous system. Aligns the mental and emotional body. Crown chakra |
Amazonite | Brings joy and upliftment. Throat chakra. |
Amber | Healing, purification, transmuting negative energy to positive, good luck, past life regression, opens the crown chakra |
Amethyst | Healing, peace and tranquillity, meditation, protection, psychic power, spirituality, love, used to treat insomnia |
Angelite | Balancing, protection, astral travel, telepathy, mental ability, peace and harmony, dispels anger, healing |
Apache Tear | Comforting grief, forgiveness, protection, dispels negativity, grounding, inner vision, understanding |
Aquamarine | Courage, protection, spirituality, self-love, intellect, aligns the chakras, inspiration, emotional stability, connection to the higher self |
Aventurine | Protection, balancing energies, leadership, decision making, creativity, contacting spirit guides, activates the heart chakra |
Azurite | For clear meditation, this also increases psychic powers. Throat chakra |
Bloodstone | Intense healing, courage, acceptance, grounding, wisdom, love, creativity, mysticism, spirituality, enlightenment, intuition |
Calcite | Good for reducing stress and emotionally balancing, grounding. Good for all chakras. |
Carnelian | Love, compassion, energy, mental ability, intuition, protection from fear, envy and anger, banishes negativity |
Celestite | : Reduces stress. Helps in creative expression of yourself. Throat chakra |
Chrysocolla | Love, balance, strength, harmony, understanding, visions, healing, grounding, easing emotional heartache |
Chrysoprase | Balancing, calming, fertility. Can bring out hidden talents inside you. Heart chakra. |
Citrine | Money, balance, energy, creativity, mental focus, emotional stability, courage, banishes negativity |
Copper | Helps to detoxify the body and raises self esteem |
Diamond | This is a master healer. It dispels negativity and purifies. For abundance. All chakras |
Dioptase | Gives you peace of mind. Abundance, health, well being, progress. Heart chakra. |
Emerald | Happiness, harmony, meditation, legal matters, discernment, mental capacity, protection |
Fluorite | Stability and order, intuition, purification, contacting the faery world, spiritual balance and enlightenment |
Garnet | Health, awareness, love, commitment, courage, energy, purification, protection |
Gold | Very good for attracting positive energy into your aura. Naval, heart and crown chakras. |
Hematite | Grounding and centering, memory, mental order, balance, inner happiness, transforming negative to positive |
Herkimer | This will enhance your inner visions and increase your dreams |
Iolite | Healing, meditation, visions, astral travel, money management, harmony in relationships |
Jade | Dreams, peace, spirituality, meditation, astral travel, inspiration, confidence |
Jasper, Red | Awareness, protection health, grounding, astral travel, remembering dreams |
Kunzite | Can heal depression, enhance self esteem, soothing. Heart chakra |
Kyanite | Increases the ability to communicate, expression, astral travel. Throat and third eye chakras. |
Lapis Lazuli | Mystic knowledge, courage, organization, anti-depression, protection, balancing female and male energies |
Lepidolite | Stress reduction, transitions, astral travel, diplomacy, self-love, honesty, communications, business endeavors |
Malachite | Transformation, insight, protection, travel, finances, fidelity, intuition |
Meteorite | Great for revealing past lives, expand awareness. Root chakra. |
Moldavite | Helps alignment with the Higher Self. Heart chakra. |
Moonstone | Balancing, spirituality, intuition, changing cycles, stress reduction, confidence, Goddess energy, happiness, luck |
Obsidian | Grounds spiritual energy and absorbs and gets rid of negativity. Root chakra. |
Onyx | Balance the female and male energies, relieve stress and self control. All chakras. |
Opal | Great emotional balancer. Enhances intuition. Heart chakra. |
Peridot | Purifies the body. Stimulates the mind and increases awareness. Naval, heart and solar plexus. |
Petrified Wood | Past-life regression, grounding, strength, crisis-support, connecting to the higher self, protection |
Pyrite | Influences positive moods, harmony. Heart, root, solar plexus chakras. |
Rhodochrosite | Heals emotional wounds. Accept life and self, good healer. Root and heart chakras |
Rhodonite | Brings love, manifestation, self esteem and confidence. Heart and root chakra. |
Quartz Crystal | Energy, power, psychic ability, meditation, healing, visions and scrying, protection, astral travel, etc., etc., etc. |
Rose Quartz | Love, imagination, the arts, balance, de-stressing |
Ruby | Activates movement, courage, power, leadership. Heart and root chakras |
Rutilated Quartz | Helps with depression. All chakras. |
Sapphire | Awakens psychic powers. Love, loyalty. Throat and third eye chakras. |
Selenite | Aids clarity and concentration. Increases willpower. Heart chakra. |
Silver | Relates to the Moon. Excellent energy conductor. |
Smoky Quartz | Helps in depression. Relaxes you and calms you. Grounding, centering. Naval, root chakras. |
Sodalite | Brings truth and increases communication. Throat and third eye chakras. |
Sugilite | Emotional balancer and stress reducer. Crown and third eye chakras |
Tiger Eye | Courage, stability, energy, psychic ability, insight, intution, anti-depressant |
Topaz | Emotional balancer. Tranquility, peace, soothing. Heart, throat and third eye chakras |
Tourmalina | Protection, grounding, balancing. |
Turquoise | Grounding, protection, healing, wisdom, love, psychic power, communication |
Variscite | Self confidence, abundance, calming, soothing. Heart and solar plexus chakras |
Zircon | Self esteem and emotional balance. Helps in sleep and an all around healer. All chakras. |
Where to Buy crystals for Magickal Purposes
Exquisite Crystals have a large selection of tumbled stones, as well as some beautiful geodes and crystal clusters.  Bear in mind that you don’t want to “recycle” crystals for spells – each one should be dedicated to a different purpose. So, using gemstone chips may be more practical if you plan on doing many spells. You can find plenty of gemstone chips on Amazon.

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