A Spell to Find a Job

job spellThis is a spell which will help you attract a new job.  It is best to perform this job spell on the night of a full moon, or even during a waxing moon.

You will need:

To begin, anoint all the candles with the oil.  You will need a dedicated space for these candles, such as an altar, where they can burn out completely over the next few weeks.  Make sure the space is safe for the candles to burn out without anything catching fire.

Place the brown candle in the centre of your space, the green candle on the right, and the candle representing you on the left.

First, light the candle that represents you.  Think about your specific talents, and how you can use these in a job.  Think of the kind of jobs you enjoy doing, and see yourself waking up every morning, excited to go to work.  Say:

I ask for change, that is my right,
Open the way, clear my sight.

Now light the green candle which represents prosperity.  Imagine abundance flowing to you in whichever way that feels good, and say:

Luck, abundance, prosperity,
Let the flow of money come to me.

Finally, light the  brown candle which represents the job that is coming to you.  As you light it, know that the perfect job is out there, and that you will soon find it. Say:

Opportunity, work, rewards I see,
And as I will So Mote it Be.

Let the candles burn for some time (anywhere between five and fifteen minutes is good), while you meditate and visualise your perfect job as if you already had it.

Repeat this job spell each night until the candles burn all the way down, or until you find your new job.

As an alternative to this spell, you can use our Get a Job Spell Kit, which comes complete with all ingredients and full instructions to cast a powerful spell to attract the job of your dreams!

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