This is a type of banishing spell, which should be performed during a waning or new moon.
You Will Need:
- A Piece Of White Paper
- A Black Marker
- Black Pepper
- A Small envelope
- A Picture of the person (if known)
Spell to Stop Unwanted Callers
On the piece of paper, write the person’s name (if you don’t know it, write “the person who keeps calling”)
Put a big “X” over their name. Underneath their name write “please stop calling me”, hold the pepper in your hand and say:
” Element of earth, please keep (persons name) from calling me,
Please build a wall of protection around me,
Lend me your power,
Lend me your magick,
So mote it be”
Sprinkle the pepper over the persons name and add their picture (if you have one) on the top, fold up the paper so that the pepper wont escape and put the paper into the envelope.
Hold the envelope in your hands and say:
“Guardian angel. (The persons name) keeps calling me,
And I have no desire to speak to them,
Please don’t let them call me anymore”
Close your eyes. Picture the person picking up the phone, then putting it down without calling you, see them shaking their head, as if they are telling themselves they don’t want to call you.
Open your eyes, place the envelope under your phone, and then hold your hands over the phone and say:
“May only positive phone calls reach me,
Negative messages fly away,
Don’t call back another day”
Repeat the chant until you feel comfortable, the more the better.
If you are really having problems, do the spell, then take a stone the size of your palm and paint it black, write the persons name and number on the stone (if you know it) When the stone dries, take it far away from your house and throw the stone where it wont break someone’s lawn mower, and as you throw the stone say:
“Guardian angel, whisk this person far from me,
I blink, I turn, he’s (she’s) gone,
So mote it be”
For an alternative to this spell, you can use our Banishing Spell Kit, which comes with ingredients and full instructions to cast a spell that can banish all negative energies, situations and people from your life.

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