Wiccan Spell for Unconditional Love

unconditional love spell

This Wiccan love spell is for the person who wants to create or maintain the strong unconditional love in their relationship.

You will need to conduct this unconditional love ritual once a month, on the full moon.

For this unconditional love spell, you will need:

It is best to do this love spell in a place where you have the view of the full moon.

First, cast your circle.

Next, light the candles. Then look at the moon and visualise feelings of unconditional love between you and your lover. Fill yourself with these feelings of love until you can feel them all over your body.

Repeat the following incantation for unconditional love:

The kind fates have blessed my home
The kind fates have blessed my heart
The kind fate has blessed my loved one
I offer thanks with a humble heart
I thank the Goddess for my life
I thank the Goddess for my love
I thank the goddess for blessings already on their way.
The spell is cast, so mote it be.

Sit in meditation for a bit, feeling the waves of unconditional love wash over you.  Then, blow out the candles and close your circle.

As an alternative to this spell, you can use our Enhance Your Love Life Spell Kit, which comes complete with all ingredients and full instructions to cast a powerful spell to remove energetic blocks and spice up your love life!

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